The Importance of Collecting Great Art, The Art That Speaks to You
Not only does Original Art add to the beauty of your home, it also stimulates your mental space. It inspires the imagination to dream a little bigger, feel a little deeper, and see new perspectives. Adding great artworks to your home decor, art you love that speaks to you, generates a plethora of new sensations. Creating an experience, a feeling within, each time we lay eyes on them. Its artwork we can really vibe with and enjoy not just for a week or two but the rest of our lives. Art is important, it's not just about supporting your local art communities or buying something expensively exquisite. It’s about finding those little sparks of joy within the pieces that uplift you when you admire the artwork! Anyone can buy expensive art or historic art with a well-known name and a pricey resale value. But That’s not why you should be collecting the paintings. You should be collecting paintings that speak to you, that inspire you, that you can wake up to everyday and still see the beauty it holds for years to come.
Everyone is unique and collects different types of artworks, whether that’s acrylic painting, oil paintings, watercolors, or sculptures. There’s a variety of artistic flavors to fall in love with and start collecting. It's just a matter of finding the right artist, with the right style, that speaks to you in a way the brings out the “awe” within. A painting or art piece should feel like an exhilarating breath of fresh air filling the lungs, and the heart, with warm tingles. Look for that kind of art, search for it, because that art is the kind that will move you in ways you didn’t know a painting could.
Maybe you're really into textured work or the abstract arts. Maybe your style is a little more pop or expressive. Maybe you don’t have a specific style you love or maybe you love a variety of styles. Whatever the case, like someone who buys a beautiful Mustang or Lamborghini, you buy art for the joys and experiences it will bring you. So, make sure to collect art you love from artists you admire, collect a variety of pieces that speak to you on a soul level. That’s what art is for, why it should be bought, not because its historic or has a pricey resale value. But because it speaks to you personally, it provides you with a deeper feeling or experience that’s moving. Art is expressive on so many levels, and it’s the gift that keeps on giving no matter how many years go by. So be sure to collect the art that you admire and that truly speaks to you!